Inflatable drawing explorations by Todosch Schlopsnies.
Part of the International Institute for Transformation of Reality.
SN#1_Shipping by Tonitorfer
Sculpture Navale.
Explorations by Tonitorfer.
SN#1_Little Lilit Jungle by Claire Mélot
[mixcloudØï/little-lilit/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=0]
Launched in the water aboard a small inflatable found in the holds of the Schute, towards the jungle of Little Lilit.
SN#1_Exploration: Amsterdam waterways
fr | Suivre à se perdre les canaux qui veinent la ville d’Amsterdam et leurs ribambelles de bateaux.
en | Exploring the city, following the waterways that veined Amsterdam, and enjoying the stream of boats.
SN#1_Exploration: NDSM area
Le second jour de notre escale, nous allons arpenter la zone portuaire NDSM, le site d’un ancien chantier naval d’une superficie gigantesque dans le quartier d’Amsterdam Noord…